Philipino Women – Who are these Filipinas?
The Philipino women the Philipina girl or Filipina, as the locals call them, are waiting to hear from you. The Philippines is a country where the most beautiful Philipino women live and come from.

Also known as the Philipino women or Filipina girl, as the locals call them.
They get their beauty from a combination of their Asian looks which are, in my opinion, a step above the typical Asian looking face.
They get their blended complexion from the Spanish culture from thousands of years ago. With that combination comes the lighter or a fair skin type and lighter brown hair in some cases.
Where to find beautiful Philipino women?
Maybe you have also heard of the provinces. The provincial zones are areas of the Philippines where not very many Westerners visit.

The provinces include the beaches, mountains, volcanoes, orchards, farmlands, and other areas that are typically miles away from the closest town. It’s in these provinces that your true beauty queen and soulmate can often be found.
In contrast, some of the higher status and fancy lifestyle Filipino women are used to seeing Westerners. They are often not impressed with the Western lifestyle, the riches that we bring, and the bigness of our personalities.
Online Filipina Dating and the Big Advantage.
So, this is where “online Filipina dating” and finding Philipino women gives you the big advantage. You can search and find the perfect Filipina girl in your dreams.

As you know, you can adjust the search criteria to meet almost anything trait you want to show up in the results, including the height, weight, eye color, and everything else that you could imagine.
But which you cannot find in the typical Filipino dating site is elements of who these strong women are. Who is the typical Filipino woman.
What are Philipino women truly like?
Philipino women are usually always very nice, beautiful, and happy to be around. As already stated these Philipina girls and Philipina women are naturally beautiful and they are waiting for romantic opportunities to be presented to them.

Are Philipino women sexually open?
Although many people will state “Filipino women are generally sexually open” and this liberal choice gives them the opportunity to please potential daters, I am not going to fully stand on that statement.

Philipino women are conservative.
It has been my experience that most Philipino women and men and women are extremely religious. In fact, most attend church at least once a week, say their prayers to three times a day, and read the Bible regularly.

This religious viewpoint is passed down from generation to generation.
It’s always mentioned in text messages between siblings, and even though someone may tend to stray from the path of conservatism. Their family and often themselves try to maintain a conservative lifestyle which includes conservative practices.
Sex and dating Philipino women.
So, if you are going to meet a Philipino girls online do not be fooled if these strong confident beautiful Philipino women will not jump into bed with you the very first time they meet you.

We are very conservative and we often do not involve ourselves in intimate personal relationships until after we finish our education.
Tradition and family.
Our tradition Philipino women and family maintains a value that family is first, getting their education is second. Then if appropriate dating or “seeing someone” on the social side would be allowed.
Most strong Filipino women will not consider relationship until after we finished their education or graduate from college.
In contrast, yes you will always find women who only have one thing on their mind, which is providing themselves to men from the Western countries.
IS the “Filipino Bar Girl” the girl you want to meet your mother?
But this is truly the type of woman you want to marry and bring home and share with your family? Sometimes I think about the awful experiences these “Filipino Bar Girls” have had and I am not sure this is the type of “Bar History” is what you want for wife.
Therefore, this article tends to revolve around finding a typical Filipina girl who has strong moral and social values you can introduce to your family and others with pride.
Kind Philipino women.
Being kind is a trait often passed down from their filipino mothers and possibly their Aunts too. Young Filipina girls learn how to be kind and to offer aid and help anyone who is in need. This goes far beyond monetary gifts, like when someone needs help getting to the car.

For example, an older person might be struggling in the store pushing the cart because the wheel only goes one way.
The kind Filipina woman will help them immediately, by providing aid when needed.
This type of kindness extends from little babies to the most elderly people in the community. Finding and having a kind Filipina on your side who is always going to be there to help and provide love and care necessary for their man to be comfortable and successful.
Loyal Philipino women.
Loyalty, is another strong trait Filipino women have. Being loyal to herself, her family, and her mate are one of the top values Filipinas hold.
Of course the family is the number one group in her life, until she gets married.
Loyalty to the family is often seen as Filipinos giving money to their elderly parents who need income.
It can also be seen in supporting their younger or older nieces and nephews in school or with basic needs such as dental care, school uniforms, and small treats or day trips.
Loyalty is ground in as a value from their parents over generations of time and is used to keep the family strengths together and to maintain the open-heart of giving and serving.

Once the Filipina is married, the loyalty then turns to her husband and her kids. It is not that she will stop giving money to her family but the loyalty of her heart, her soul, and ambitions begins to change as she focuses more on her family as she begins this new stage in her life. Family is important but her relationship to God, her husband, and any kids become the new priority.
Most all Pilipino women are very religious.
Religious Filipina women help maintain her religious practices and the practical applications of the duties expected from a Filipina which are threaded throughout her life.
In short, Filipino people are extremely religious people. You will see taxi drivers kissing their cross and crossing their chest every time they start to drive. In some way, I want to do the same thing because driving the Philippines can be somewhat crazy.
However, religion is seen throughout every aspect of the typical Filipino. They say their prayers every day, they read the Bible, and they bless every meal. This is typical behavior for all Filipinos as you also see the 10 Commandments publicly listed in all of the schools.

You also see schools praying as a class and you will see schools and quoting the Bible and using the lessons of the Bible to become better citizens. By far, this type of openly public religious practice is bar none to the Western countries. Many Western countries have drifted far away from its original religious standards its founders had intended and has become a nonreligious country as a whole.
Filipino women and her family.
As stated the Filipino women are extremely family conscious. They offer support to each other and they offer guidance and structure.
If we look at the typical Philipino family there’s always one matriarch. This is the mother of all of the brothers and sisters in the family. There might also be an instance were an Aunt may be involved who would also take some of that matriarchal responsibility.
This matriarch provides family guidance, guides discussions of all types, and generally is the person who settles many of the arguments from her family.

It is somewhat typical that Filipino women will have 5 to 6 to 8 kids and those kids will also have 5 to 6 or 8 children too. So within two generations you have a family that’s almost 40 people strong. And when somebody needs something, like a new school uniform the whole family may pitch in 20 pesos apiece by the uniform.
Filipina girls learn values at a young age.
This is where that family loyalty comes in. It’s like a never ending cycle of somebody needs help and somebody’s giving help. The thought is, that if you have a large family it is easy for everybody to pitch in 20 or 50 pesos to fund the need for individuals that need some help.
This is not the way most Westerners live their lives. In the Western world, people generally live within our own family, with their own kids, and with their own problems.
They try to resolve challenges on their own and it is rare to reach out to other family members.
This is a completely different environment because in the Philippines everybody helps everybody all the time.

In a Filipino family, you will see messages that read, “Billy needs 50 pesos for a test or exam”. Everybody will try to give him five or 10 pesos so he has enough money to get what he needs.
Always willing to give if they can.
Then the next week somebody else needs to go to the dentist and they need 500 pesos and everybody tries to give 50 pesos so they can go to the dentist.
These needs are pretty easily met because with 40 people it’s pretty easy to get five or 10 pesos a person to take care of these needs. Whereas, in the West we generally live our own lives. So if we have any need we try to resolve that need ourselves. We rarely go out and ask other people to help us.
In the Western world, we tend to be extremely independent and we sink or swim on our own.
It’s not in our Western culture to ask our family for something every week that we can’t afford. This type of request will give the impression that you’re being greedy, or that you’re always asking for something. If they continue asking they will get a bad reputation for being irresponsible.

In short, just be aware that there’s always a need in the Philippines family. They’re always going to ask for money to help themselves.
This is typical, and it should not offend you. In fact, you should expect it and prepare to set limits on how you’re going to address these questions.
Philipino women are the best cooks.
The cooking Filipino woman. One of the advantages of being involved with the Filipina is that they use their family and their culture to make some of the best foods in the world.
There’s nothing that can explain the wonderful tastes, textures, and smells, of a perfectly cooked pancit dish.
The way they use the varieties of vinegar, the types of silly sauce, and the marinating process of each of the meats bring together a dish full of flavor. The perfect texture, and this begging you to eat more and more of it. That is exactly what you will get in the Filipino family.
Family gatherings.
When we go out and have a big family celebration, they will typically use banana leaves and line them on the table as the plates for the large meal. These banana leaves are then covered with mounds of rice 6 feet long 12 inches wide and 12 inches tall. Within this mound of rice they pour the crabs, squids, shrimps, clams, fish, and vegetables delicately on the rice.

To the sides there are different types of jelled desserts laying on top of each other waiting to be eaten. There are fish, pork, and chicken which is the best flavored meats in the world laid across the bottom mountains of rice.
Eating with hands and fingers only.
After a large group prayer everybody surrounds the table and digs in. Let me emphasize the word digs in! Typically, Filipinos will eat with their hands and their fingers only.
The fork and the spoons are only there to help fill your fingers with rice and pieces of pork. Sometimes they will pass out plastic gloves, the types that they use when preparing food, to use to eat.
It is not that the glove that really provides any sanitary relevance, but it is a nice gesture. Because everybody uses the gloves to put food in their mouth and then that glove from their mouth goes directly back into the mountain of rice. In short, there’s always food at any family gathering.
Although I presented a pretty wonderful picture of the typical Filipino woman, I need to add in another type of woman that we hope we never run into, that is the “Philipino scammer.”
Filipina girls and poverty.
The Philippines is a Third World country and there are not enough jobs to support everybody who needs to have an income.
Poverty is all over the streets it is really easy to see how people become victims of poverty’s vicious grips. Therefore, many Filipinas have fallen to the world of scamming.

This is where Filipinas try to become your friend and get you to give them as much money as you can. Typically this type of scammer will be nice and outgoing on the outside. But they always want to see some kind of cash coming into them to make their living on.
Although this information is for another article, “scamming” and the types of scamming women are something that you need to keep in the back of your mind.
My final thoughts on Filipino women.
When you consider the beauty of the Philippines, the beauty of Filipino women, and the Filipina’s “Happy Go lucky Personality”. There is no better place to look for life soulmate in the Philippines.
By far the typical Filipino woman is kind, smart, religious, outgoing, and is looking for somebody to share their life with.
The Philipino girl is loyal and a hard worker.

A Filipina is easy to get along with and always tries to do what is best for her and her family.
Therefore, exploring a relationship with the Filipina is one of the best uses of your time. If you are looking for somebody to become your soulmate, best friend, and life partner.
Please leave your comments and feedback below. I would love to hear your experiences about Filipino women.
~Angel B.
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