Pilipinodating, five steps for success.

Why should you date a Pilipino? 

To be successful in Pilipinodating we need to keep a few things in mind. First, we need to remember the reasons why we are trying to date a Pilipino woman, called by locals a Filipina.  

As we know, there are many reasons to get to know a Pilipino and start Pilipinodating.  First of all they are always happy, beautiful, and pleasant to look at, always willing to please, they hold a strong sense of self, and they know how to cook.

Pilipinodating is easy You can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

Organic Pilipino beauty comes from eating organic foods.

Most Filipino women are beautiful because they always eat fresh organic fruits and nuts.  

I think our lives in the Western world would be a lot better when we go to the local market and buy fruits and vegetables and fresh fish every day.  

Going to the market in providing cooking for the family is something all Filipinos do as their daily habit.  In contrast we in the Western world, go to big box stores and buy a months’ worth of food at one time.

Pilipinodating is easy You can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

Okay another main reason why we like Filipinas is because they have small framed petite bodies and they have that long straight black hair.  

These women live in paradise where the sun is always high and the weather is always warm. This environment produces great natural tans and the fresh salt air does wonders for their skin.

Knowing the above reasons is why you are Pilipinodating. We are very interested in the Philippines women we want to find the best way to locate and to get to know these beautiful Asian women.

Use an online dating service to start dating Filipino women. 

First, if you are from the Western world, you might not necessarily have the time or the money to go out searching for your soulmate using Pilipinodating skills. 

Pilipinodating is easy You can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

In addition to that, if you are only going to one cities such as Manila, Davao City, Angeles City, then you’re only seeing one type of women.  I want to be exposed to the diamonds in the rough.  

These are the women that live out, provinces and the women that rarely see Western men and grew up in a town with only 1000 people living in it. 

These are the type of women that have not traveled off their island but yet they are still looking for the man of their dreams to come and find them.

So in order to navigate and find these women we have to use online dating services as our tool of choice to narrow down, search, and get to know these Filipina girls.

Use Google to find popular Pilipinodating sites.

The first thing you want to do is choose one of the many different types of platforms that are out there.  

Pilipinodating uses simple searches so You can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

You can Google how to date Filipino women and you will get a host of different providers.  Maybe do some research and see which ones are most popular. 

You want to use the ones that are most popular that is, use the ones that most people use.  The more people use it means they have more men on the platform and the more men they have the more women they have that are seeking those men.  So choose a platform that is popular.

Learn the online dating site’s “Dashboard”.

Once you find your platform, you want to become familiar with the site’s dashboard.  

If you are new to Pilipinodating, these dashboards allow you to run search multiple search criteria so you can find exactly what you are looking for. 

For example you could search for women who have a PhD, are taller than 5 foot one, who have no kids, who are looking to settle down with kids, and their weight would be under a hundred pounds.  

Pilipinodating is easy if you follow these steps so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

The platform will search through all of their database and will come back with exactly the traits are looking for.  I know you might not be searching for this particular woman but I’m just trying to make an example so you understand how specific you can be in searching for the women you want to encounter. 

By the way, searching for someone using these Pilipinodating tips like this would most likely return a small report.  But if you lower some of the parameters and were looking for all Filipino women with any type of education, any height, anyway, you are bound to get tens of thousands of results. 

This is an overwhelming number and of course I would suggest you narrow it down by using the search and filters with the criteria above to find somebody that meets your desires.

dating filipino women is easy if you follow these steps so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

5 easy steps for  – Pilipinodating 

So, once you have written your search and you have may be 50 to 100 women that meet your search criteria it’s time to start making contact with them.

Step 1)  Ask everyone of them the same simple question.

Step 2)  Send this question to at least 50 to 100 people on your search list.

Step 3)  Send another question out to another 50 to 100 people

Step 4)  Look at their profile pictures and respond with a third simple question. 

Step 5)  Narrow your communications to the women who have replied and ask personal questions that you keep in a folder for each woman.

Ask a simple Pilipinodating question to start your search. 

Step 1)  Ask everyone of them the same simple question.

Step 2)  Send this question to at least 50 to 100 people on your search list.

Step 3)  Send another question out to another 50 to 100 people.

Step 4)  Look at their profile pictures and respond with a third simple question. 

Step 5)  Narrow your communications to the women who have replied and ask personal questions that you keep in a folder for each woman.

dating filipino women is easy when you ask the correct questiosn so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

Include 50-100 Filipinas with your initial Pilipinodating question.

Step 2)  Send this question to at least 50 to 100 people on your search list. Then, go to sleep and wait for the magic to happen overnight.  

When you wake up in the morning you will probably see that most, if not all, of these women responded to your questions.

In contrast, if you are familiar with online dating services in the Western world, then you might be surprised at the results that you received. 

In the Western world, when you are using online dating services, you might think or ask questions to 25 or 50 different women. Then, over the weekend and you will receive no replies at all.  

This is very discouraging and this is completely opposite of what happens with online international dating.

how to date a Filipino is easy if you follow these steps so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

Copy and send it out to another 100 Filipinas.

Step 3)  Make a copy of the same question and send it out to another 50 to 100 people.  Do this again and again until you reached out to 200 to 250 Filipino women.

At this time it should take approximately one to two days to send these messages out.  Remember you are just asking one simple question.

how to date a Filipino is easy if you follow these steps so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

Reading Filipina profiles.

You might be asking why haven’t you read any of the profiles returning in your search?  

My answer to that is, at this time you just want to start seeing the people who reply.  If you read all of the profiles it will take you hours and hours to go through hundred and 50 profiles.  This way you just click and open the girl’s profile, send the message, and click the next one over and over and over again.  

The ones are interested in you will definitely reply back in a short amount of time.  This is where the magic starts with online dating. You start large and you funnel it down until you get to a manageable level.

how to date a Filipino is easy from 200 to 2, if you follow these steps so you can find the right Filipino woman for you-  Onlinefilipinadating.com

So were communicating with 250 people in the beginning and narrow it down to about three to five people over a 30 day period.

Start sending replies to your Pilipino dating friends.

So, after you are receiving replies, and about two or three days, start going to the replies in reading and seeing what these ladies are like.  What I mean, as we do reply and then maybe look at their profile.

Pilipino women may be afraid to write and reply in English. 

You need to remember that Filipino women don’t really have a lot of writing experience in English.  Their profiles will be short sentences, and right to the point.  

Pilipino dating starts with the final few girls.   Onlinefilipinadating.com

They might have a paragraph but you will see many of them have copied and pasted paragraphs from other ladies they thought their paragraphs looked really good.  So you will see similarities across all of the profiles.

Look at the background in their profile photos.

Step 4)  Look at their profile pictures.  

Look at two or three pictures and search the background and see what the background is like, is it our nature, the city, and where most of their pictures taken from.  

Use these “background elements” to help you decide if you wait or if you are going to continue communicating with this person or place them on the “move on list.”  .

Start to reply to Pilipino women.  

Step 5)  At this point you have to ask one more question, ex. what is your favorite Christian singer?  

Pilipino dating starts with a personal question.   Onlinefilipinadating.com

Now it is time to develop the next question.  For me personally the question was what church do you go to?  

So, I would go through all the girls who answered the first and send the second question to all the people that replied. 

I really didn’t discuss their answers at this point what I really wanted to do is find out their answers. For me my dating a Christian was my number one priority and was very important to me.  

The next important question for me was what church do you go to or what type of Church are they associated with?  Many people out there will be searching for very specific religions and these online dating platforms allow you to search for a specific religion.

Pilipino dating starts with a personal question, like church.   www.OnlineFilipinaDating.com

So at this point there’s an answer question number two and then you are going to reply to question number three to everyone that response to question number two.

Send open ended personalized questions. 

Now,  you can have people reply to question number one people reply to question number two, and people reply to question number three simultaneously as you are communicating with new Filipino ladies that are responding to your emails, and this is okay.  

This is exactly what you want.

Pilipino dating starts when you narrow it down to one Filipino girl.   www.OnlineFilipinaDating.com

Use a document page to keep track of the different Filipino girls.  

You want to start keeping track of the answers and the questions that you’ve asked everyone.  

You will see in the messaging platform that it will keep all of the messages so when you see one reply you can read all the other replies from the past and it will help you keep track of the hundred and 50 or 200 women that you are trying to communicate with.

Continue to develop your relationships.  

In short, with these few questions you are able to start communicating and developing online relationships.  

Although these five steps is pretty simple and brings you face-to-face with the girlfriend of your future.

Pilipino dating starts when you narrow it down to one Filipino girl.   www.OnlineFilipinaDating.com

Congratulations!  You found where to find beautiful Filipino women treat them with respect, smile and be happy, and you too will find your dream woman!

The sister article of online Filipina dating tips you can use.  Please follow (art4 link) to continue.

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