Online Dating Scams | How to protect yourself.

Approximately 20% or 1 out of 5 people on dating sites are trying to find something other than a relationship. The Online Dating Scams!

If you were to line everybody on these dating sites up, every fifth person would be a scammer.  Knowing that in advance makes life a whole lot easier. Because we can prepare for the scammer in advance.

 Don't be scammed be prepared  - Online dating scams  -

Most important is, why are there so many scammers out there?  You might ask? 

Online dating scams, are not very nice people.

The reason is because there are many people in the world who are not very nice and they look to take advantage of people when they can.  Of course, they have all kinds of excuses like the victim has all kinds of money and I will only take a little bit of it.

Or the victim should know in advance that I am going to take advantage of them.  Online dating scams just have no morals at all and will take every last dollar that you have. There are all kinds of scammers and they hold all kinds of excuses to scam.

Everyone will come across online dating scams.

This being said, we need to come to an agreement. Everyone using an online dating platform will come across scammers at one time or another.  If we know the scammers are out there. We want to prepare ourselves in advance and hopefully shake them out sooner than later.

Getting scammed is not your fault.

I am hoping, by the end of this article you will have enough skills to notice scammers and the potential of being scammed.  Also, and be aware of online dating scams and know it is not your fault. Everyone will come across scammers.

What scams does average dating consumers need to be aware of?

We need to be aware that just like there are different people in many different profiles there are many different scammers and many different profiles.  Yes the common ones are men pretending to be women and trying to email as many as they can.

To give you a visual of this; a man might be pretending that he is five or six women.  He will build the profiles for these five or six women. He will try to lure unsuspectingly men into his web. Once he gets you there he will develop a small relationship with you. Online dating scams can start as simply as asking for money. Case in point here is watch out for the people asking for money. 

The second is the scamming woman who is trolling for the same. 

Watch out for the scamming trolls - Online dating scams  -

Online dating scams, will try to switch you regular email.

First, online dating scams typically will try to switch you from the dating platform to a personal email so they can receive their information through their own personal email address.  They want you to communicate with them outside of the dating platform.

The reason is they do not want to blow their cover. Once they get a good “bait profile” together by getting the pictures, they get the words in the profile, and they have their story down.  Scammers do not want to rebuild “scam profile” if they get exposed by you.

So often times they will ask you for your personal email address. This way they can communicate with you outside of the platform. Therefore if you report them it is only about e-mail and the platform won’t take them off the service.

Online dating scams and scammers always want more information.

Secondly, scammers often manipulate you for more personal information.  They want to know exactly what city you live in, what street you live on, possibly your phone number, and they will build “your Information” around this. 

You would be surprised at what information you can give to somebody. Your guard is down because you feel you are in the legitimate online relationship, over a short period of three months.  By that time you probably told them what state you live in, may have given them your bank account number, and or your driver’s license number. Scammers use many different excuses and games and scams to get what they want – your information. 

Online dating scams use reverse psychology!

They might try to use reverse psychology such as telling you they want to send you a birthday gift of $20 or $30 so you can spend it on something for yourself.

So, you send them your personal information such as a copy of your driver’s license or a picture of it so they can send it to you. Now they have got your driver’s license and they can go do many bad things with it.  In addition, it does not stop there, they may send you the money they use your driver’s license.

Online dating scams and scammers may ask you for your bank acct number so they can send you money directly to your bank. If you do, now they can do more sinister things like accessing your bank account directly. If you give them your bank account number, just to make a simple deposit, are you truly safe?

Keep you account numbers safe - Online dating scams  -

Imagine, they now have your driver’s license and your bank account information literally they can go and take all of the money out of your account. 

They can now get a new ATM card.

They use this information to communicate with the bank online and then have them send all of your money! Scammers can even get a new ATM card mailed to their address and thus scamming you for all of your money.  Another scam these scammers often try to do to unsuspecting people.

“I love you – you are perfect,” Online dating scams.

Another way scammers try to get into you by telling you how much they love you. 

It could be a woman telling you, “you are the perfect man” and they are “leading you on” with their comments of love and desire to build the scam on. 

Next, you give them your trust and now you are becoming easier target. Scammers can tell when you are letting down your guard. They will try to get your guard down so you will trust them. They will tell you “I love you so much,”  “we are meant to be together,” so eventually you will love them back by sending them gifts and money.

Scammers have perfect “Alluring” profiles.

Thirdly, scammers try to build wonderful profiles to capture your attention. 

They use pictures from the Internet and they will describe how much money they make, so you will not think they are a scammer.  Scammers will describe how attractive they are and what they are looking for in a man.

They use vague language that almost any man will fall for.  For example, a 25 years old scammer will say in their profile that they are looking for a man between 25 – 65 years old.

Online dating scams, look for the “age gap.”

This large age gap will encompass  90% of men on the platform. Scammers will not talk about any political affiliation. They will not talk about if they are members of any particular organization such as animal rights activists or global warming activists.  They want to make a profile that does not cause any red flags to the many people that read them.

Who would pass the perfect profile - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Just imagine if you saw a really hot profile picture and a great profile of a woman says she is looking for men in their 40s or 50s to start a new relationship with. 

Just imagine that profile states they are looking for serious men only and please give them a smile back. Somebody in their 20s or 30s that will be attractive to many people on the dating platform.

Scammers get hundreds of “looks” a week.

As a result, the scammer gets hundreds of men a week exploring their profile and now it is just a number of games.  They speculate, one out of 10 men are going to send them money, one out of 25 will send them lots of money like $1000 or so, and 1/50 men are going to buy them luxury gifts and support them in someway.

They set their own scamming salary.

Ultimately, the scammers want 15-20 “fake relationships” to send them about $100 – $200 a month.  This would equal to about US$2,000 – $4,000 a month.  Not a bad part time job, when compared jobs scammers are forced to do.   

Online dating scams use your sympathy.

They might use the “story” of being a student, a sick parent, tuition for their child to hook you on.  

Specifically, scammers are generally looking for the older men they can take advantage of.  If you are an older man, meaning that you are communicating with people that might be 20 or 30 years younger than you be aware that you are a prime target for the scammers.

Look closely at their profile picture.

One way to help prevent being scammed is as simple as looking at their profile picture.  You can copy their profile picture and actually pasted within the Google search bar.

This will search all over the web where you can find his picture posted.  Is this picture found on many different sites, is this picture found on different dating site platforms?

Is this picture found in stock photography websites with many other women?  Simply copy and paste it into the search bar and find out if this picture goes anywhere else except to this dating website.

When you catch a scammer decide what to do.

If you catch the online dating scams and scammer with a picture on many other websites you have two choices: either you can yell and scream at them and waste a whole bunch of time or you can just stop communicating with them.  I choose the latter, you should just stop communicating save your time by continuing looking for your perfect love.

You can catch scammers red handed - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Another way to catch them in the scamming act is ask them to talk to on either video or voice calls.  When you are talking to them for the first time listen for background noises.

Listen for the “Scammer Mill” background.

Does it sound like they are in a scammer mill with as many other people talking communicating with others?  Does it sound like it is nice and peaceful in the backyard where they claim to be sitting at.

Are they rushed into giving you all the time that you need for the phone call? If your video chatting look into the background and see if you see anything suspicious. 

Look into their face and see if the words are matching the phrases coming out of their mouth. Is it a faraway picture or video or you can see them in the corner and you really cannot tell what they are saying?

If this is the case then it’s probably just a random girl that these men use and try to communicate with them.  Just be aware of the background, be aware of the sounds that you hear in the background, and make sure that it’s actually the person who says they are talking with you.

Listen carefully at their spoken words.

Do they speak the same way that they have been writing? That is, if you are speaking with somebody who writes pretty good English then they should be able to speak pretty good English as well. 

If somebody that is writing pretty good English but then it speaks to a broken English and really does not understand verb tense and how to put sentences together then you probably have a scammer.

Just beware, online dating scams are highly attuned to what you want to hear, what you see in the background, and what you see in their faces as you communicate with them.

Ask for specific pictures and poses - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

You can also ask them to send you pictures of very specific activities that they are doing in the camera. 

Pose a different pose.

What I mean is, have them take a picture with her finger in their left ear. Have them take a picture looking up at the 12 o’clock position.  Have them take a picture of them looking down.

What this does, is proof to you that the person is reading your messages and that they are at least responding back in the way that you want them to respond. 

Is your dream woman a man, behind the scenes?

But again remember it could be a man who has hundreds of scamming relationships going on in the woman is just there to take pictures.  

Other ways to help prevent scammers from scamming you is to avoid giving and giving personal information. 

You should not give your address, the state 11, or information such as your driver’s license number, Social Security number, credit card numbers, banking information, or other information that they could use against you.

Keep numbers private - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

They will slowly get your information.

The scammers simply will carry on conversations to you bit by bit asking questions until you reveal all of this information that they want from you.

This might take three months for them to receive everything that they want and as a build up trust with you by spending more time, you will feel more relaxed and more pressure to give them what they are asking for. 

There are many ways they can sneak information. They might ask you that they want to send you a gift. They might ask you if you could send them a gift for their birthday or whatever and they might want your credit card number so they can buy a gift.

Never give out your numbers - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Keep your account numbers safe.

Again, never ever give banking information, credit card information, your street address, or anything else that they can use against you and avoid giving out your personal phone number.

All and all, one out of five profiles are scammers. 

Just know this in advance and follow some of the simpler rules discussed above and make sure that you communicate and brush out the scammers before you find yourself falling in love with one of their scamming scams.

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