Men Dating Profiles That Filipinas Love.

Finding love or better still, meeting someone incredible online sounds fun — it’s one thing that gets your adrenaline pumping as you look forward to better outcomes. But hey, regardless of how you see it, online dating is not always a walk in the park. First off, there are countless dating sites right now and of course, an overwhelming amount of members on each platform. With this in mind, it is ridiculously easy for you to get completely lost in the crowd and even worse, miss your chance of landing dates with beautiful, smart women. If you’re a newbie in the world of online dating, you should know that your profile is what makes you stand out. With lots and lots of men dating profiles out there, it’s only normal for you to bring your A-game to win women’s attention. Trust us, women on online dating platforms get tons of messages daily and yes, they take a good look at profiles before replying. So yes, you would do well to create a profile that holds attention even amid other men dating profiles.

A profile that holds attention - helping you find your filipino dream  -

How can you pull this off?

Well, you only have to keep up with the tips we are about to explore!

But before we proceed, let us take a look at some pros and cons of online dating for men. As you rightly guessed, these would give you an idea of what to expect as you go looking for your future partner.


• Lots of women

• Super easy to setup

• Ability to build chemistry before a date

• Online dating is convenient

• Both free and paid sites

• Easy to filter what you do not want


• Some women may ignore you (but hey, a good profile can make things easier for you).

• Time-consuming

• Not all profiles are real (just keep that in mind)

Top 5 Tips to Get Seen

1. Choose Your Photos Wisely

When it comes to men dating profiles, the picture (s) you use can be the difference between holding a woman’s attention or being swiped right off the bat. Your main photo, for the most part, will have a huge impact on your online dating success — it can either make or break your profile. With this in mind, it’s crucial to make your photos count; they should be good and intriguing enough to drive her curiosity. Take shots that make you the center of attention, highlighting your eyes and other facial features. You would want to avoid pictures that show your abs or body parts (trust us, they never work). Racy or suggestive pictures are also a big no-no. All in all, stick to photos that let her in on what you look like and of course, how you live your day to day life. 

Take shots that make you the center of attention. - helping you find your filipino dream  -

It would also be an excellent idea to ask your female friends what they think about your photos before using them on dating sites — their opinions always turn out to be invaluable in this regard.

2. Pick an Awesome Username

Perhaps one of the best things about dating sites is that they give you the option to use whatever username that holds your fancy. Of course, this is a great way to bring your creativity to life, but at the same time, you would want to be careful not to be a buzz-kill. In other words, do your best to avoid using lame usernames! Remember, there are many men dating profiles and chances are her inbox is chock full of messages from guys vying for her attention (including you). That said, if your username doesn’t look good or spark intrigue, chances are she is going to swipe and move on to the next.

Choose a username that attracts women. - helping you find your filipino dream  -

What kind of username works? Well, just think usernames that make her eager to know more about you. Go with something that highlights traits that are likely to hold a woman’s attention (this never fails). On the flip side, you would want to steer clear of usernames that highlight your body parts as well as those that ooze negativity (sadness or loneliness). Trust us, no attractive woman wants to see usernames that bore or repels her. So always do your best to get it right.

3. Stick to a Witty and Interesting Headline

Besides having good photos and a great username, it’s super important to roll with a headline that screams fun. Yes, men dating profiles should feature headlines that are witty, creative and catchy; something that will attract smart, beautiful women. Think a headline that shows you are bold, funny and adventurous. Examples? “My dog thinks I’m super awesome” or “let’s tell everyone we met on a plane to Paris.” It’s all about your creativity!

Make feature headlines that make filipina laugh. - helping you find your filipino dream  -

What to avoid? General greetings or cliche lines are a big turnoff. Moreover, anything that shows negative emotions are going to ruin your chances of getting a reply or even worse, meeting her. The bottom line; let your headline make her laugh and smile — it is sure to be a big win!

4. Perfect Grammar Never Fails

Do you really want to impress women on dating sites? If yes, one thing you can do is to ensure your grammar is up to standard. You might not know this but bad grammar is a major turnoff — it can make a woman lose interest in seconds.

The good thing is, you do not necessarily have to be a genius to write a winning profile with perfect grammar. Yes, today, there are lots of free online grammar checkers that can help get the job done (even way better than you expected). It is as simple as finding one and using it whenever you feel the need to.

When it comes in communication writing is one of the important in dating online. - helping you find your filipino dream  -

5. Consistency is Key

Finally, create a consistent identity (your photos should go in line with what you say in your profile). Men dating profiles that lack consistency is never taken seriously. For example, if your profile says you love enjoying the great outdoors but all of your photos are of you staying at home, she is probably going to see you as a joke or even feel your profile is fake.

All in all, create an identity that makes it possible for her to have a mental picture of who you are, even without meeting you in person. This alone can build chemistry before an actual date; which of course is a big part of the plan.

Create a consistent identity. Be who you are.- helping you find your filipino dream  -

Need a men dating profile to follow? More like a sample you can copy to make yours awesome? Well, here you go:

Witty and Engaging Profile Sample

Name: Ted Ross

Height: 5’10”

Age: 34

Ethnicity: White

Education: Bachelor’s degree

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Love living life to the fullest? Well, you just found the perfect match! Think travel aficionado, lover of the great outdoors, discerning gourmand and more. I also love meeting and socializing with beautiful people. Yeah, life is great but it gets awesome with someone special.

I’m originally from NY but I’ve explored a few different countries. It sure gets boring seeing the world alone, but hey, who knows – you could be my new travel buddy LOL.

Eating healthy and staying fit – super important to me. Family and friends – priceless. If I’m not out seeing the world or beating traffic, I’m probably home watching TV and getting goofy with my fur buddy. Yes, I love dogs!

So uh, if you’d like to say “hi” I’ll be thrilled to reveal a whole lot more about myself. You know it’s always fun to chat and engage in a conversation rather than read everything thing right off the bat. And oh, my dog thinks I’m super awesome and I’m pretty sure you’ll feel the same way too. Hope I get a buzz!

So there you have it! Top 5 tips on how your online dating profile can stand out from the crowd. Right now we believe you are ready to attract beautiful women online and even better, entice them to respond to your messages.

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