How to find a good woman!

At this time, one out of five, or 20% of the people who are married started with online dating. So it is easy to say, the correlating online dating works to find a good woman.

One of the biggest secrets to find a good woman is to expand your views.

To see, you need to search in different areas of the world. Find a different ocean to fish in.  

Search for the world - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Many times we get stuck searching for women on the popular online dating services in the Western world. Because, these women rarely will communicate with you and have at least 10 other suitors who are after their hands. 

You will have sent out hundreds or thousands of likes or smiles to find a good woman.

Then, if you are like me, you will have sent out hundreds or thousands of likes and/or smiles and/or waved us to get women’s attention with no luck. At least, that was my experience using many of the Western world’s online dating platforms.

What were the other choices to find the good woman?

Just like most people, I started my own backyard and started looking for women at meetups and some of the local clubs or bars.

Soon, I quickly stopped looking at the clubs and bars because it was not at the scene that I enjoyed.  I did not want to get a woman from this type of environment.

Yes I was worried that they would call back to the bars and nightlife even in a stable relationship. Maybe it was something I might not have had to worry about, but it was. 

Go back to flirting??

Would worry she would go back to the bars go back to flirting and go back to that lifestyle in which I met her.

Philippine bars may not have your type there -

Can you find beautiful “local women?”

Look around at women in your local city. Unfortunately looking at the single women my age which is 50+ was not very successful for me.

Use caution when looking for a good women in your hometown.

You can always go back to flirting. Most of the women in their 40s or 50s had lots of problems. Many had mental illnesses that cause them to suffer through two or three different marriages or relationships. Many were addicted or had been addicted to drugs. Many women are just out to use and abuse the benefits brought to the relationship.

Most of the women in their 40s or 50s had lots of problems. Many had mental illnesses that cause them to suffer through two or three different marriages or relationships. Many were addicted or had been addicted to drugs. Many women are just out to use and abuse the benefits brought to the relationship.

Again, after looking at the local women I did not find any that would meet my relationship needs. So, by expanding my pool to the Philippines I instantly had a different change of heart.

Expand you dating pool to the Philippines - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Find a woman who writes back. 

As a result, when I started looking at Philippine women they were actually communicating with me. They were actually sending me winks and high-fives it was completely different pattern in Western dating platforms.

I was actually enjoying searching and communicating with positive women.

Find positive women in the Philippines -

This is what I call the breakthrough to finding new level of woman. The women that I searched for were all God-fearing, I could search for married or unmarried, and I could search for specific features.

It was a complete 360° turn from Western world dating results.

Many times we hear about the phrase there are many fish in the ocean. Now, I found that if we change the oceans we can find the fish we are looking for.

So, yes, I 100% feel women from the Philippines match many of the characteristics that Western men in their 30s 40s 50s and 60s would find viable.

Look in the Philippines to find your online match - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

There is still another half to the story on how to find a good woman – YOU.

Users can search, sort, and read the profiles on many beautiful young women from the Philippines. However, that does not mean that they are going to just accept you if you are a jerk.

This does not mean that they will accept you if you do not have any manly or masculine traits.

Women look for independence.

In addition, you need to have some traits such as independence in order to keep women that you meet online interested in you.

Independence is a great "turn on" for a woman -

Independence is when you are able to take care of yourself without anybody else taking care of you. So if you live at home with your mother and your mother is making you dinner and breakfast and everything else throughout the day your online partner might feel that you are more like a baby because you are holding cell types your mom.

So finding someone that is independent and able to take care of themselves and others is what they are looking for.

Women look for leadership in a man.

Leadership is the ability to lead and make your own path.

Women want a man in their life to be a good leader. A good leader in the home with God and the good leader in the home with finances. Are you able to live in your house in a Godly way?

Are you the good leader that is able to manage finances and forecast into the future the monies that you will have? Are you the man that brings these traits into a relationship? These are all questions that women are looking for to be answered in the will and the man of their dreams.

Make sure that you are a good leader and that you have examples that you can also post into your profile or first few communications.

Strong Leadership is a great "turn on" for a woman- helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Women look for a man with a purpose.

Do you have a purpose? What will you do that is different from your work? Do you have a hobby? Do you have a goal or something that will happen in the future? Do you have meaning in your life? Are you helping others?

A woman went to find that the man has purpose in their own life. It is going to choose you to spend the rest of their lives together in one amazing that you are a man that’s able to see into the future and see beyond your own self.

Find the woman who will last a lifetime   -

Do you have confidence in who you are? These online women can see straight through you and into your heart and if you have confidence it will shine.

Women look for confidence in a man.

Confidence is something that you get from experience and it shows in how you carry yourself and your posture. Posture is how you carry yourself do you carry it in a silly immature type of way?

Do you have posture that is so stiff you should be in the military? Do you have posture that is open and friendly?

Women look for good posture in a man.

Posturing and how you present yourself with the confidence that you have in yourself is something that is the primary way that we describe ourselves using nonverbal communications.

Self-confidence is seductive to a woman - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

In summary, just because you can easily sort, search, and click on the woman of your dreams, you need to be the best man that you can be to enable to know where to find a good woman!

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