Dating Filipino Women and What They Want?

Just like any woman dating Filipino women is not as easy as it sounds.  Men need to be gentlemen when dating Filipino women and keep their complex culture, needs, and personal desires in mind.

Filipino women over the age of 25 are looking for: 

  • a man to settle down.
  • somebody that can make them laugh. 
  • you to respect her family.
  • a serious relationship.
  • a religious man. 
  • a man she will never divorce. 

Filipino women over the age of 25 are typically looking to settle down and find a serious relationship that they can cultivate. I say over 25 because generally speaking between the ages under this age they typically try to explore and find their own identity in their own self.  At the age of 25 people generally have a solid sense of who they are, where they are going, nor do they want to be in the future.

In addition, this is the age where Filipino women are starting to look more seriously at the temperaments and behaviors of potential husbands. They scrutinize and mature and often negative behavior of males under the age of 25. They want somebody who they can become serious with and develop the time to getting to know them knowing that potentially this person will be there husband.

Therefore, when you’re out chatting and exploring different personalities and different profiles you two should have this same type of desire. Which is to find somebody serious about developing a long-term or permanent relationship with. If you are looking to play the field then be up front and use websites that are developed around that type of behavior and desire. As a result, this article focuses on people that are looking to develop a serious long-term or permanent relationship.

Filipino women are looking for somebody that can make them laugh. 

Filipino women are looking for somebody who is fun to be around someone who is not always serious, and somebody who will be happy and friendly around her family. Filipina girls like to laugh and are very kind people and therefore this kindness is a desire that they want to feel from the man they are going to marry.  They want to be able to take you to meet their family and have their family say how they pleasant and happy person you are around them. So just be aware that when you are on display with her family that’s what the Filipino woman wants you to be like.

The Filipino women want you to respect their family. 

So what does it exactly mean respect your family? It means that you are happy and talkative around all of her family. This includes everybody from her mother and father, her brothers and sisters, and the multiple of nieces and nephews. She wants you to be able to carry on meaningful conversations around them and to be happy and engaged with her family. 

This type of engagement is easily done by asking questions. However, keep in the back of your mind that even though English is part of the Filipino culture many times if they don’t use it they lose the English words and skills. Although they may understand the question it’s hard for them to communicate in answer to you because after living in the province or a small town there’s not too many instances where they use English on a day-to-day basis.

So try to take the words sent back to you and develop and use your imagination a little bit on what they are trying to say.  Always remember to smile and laugh a little bit as you’re carrying on a conversation. She wants you to be the best as you can be so her family will like you and she will be proud of you.

The Filipino woman wants a serious relationship. 

Filipino women are looking for their soulmate. They look around them, and their city, their church, and their schools they grew up in and often they can not find somebody they want to settle down with.  So they go on day by day year-by-year waiting to find somebody that they think will take care of them for the rest of their life.

Therefore, the Filipina will look and look until she finds the person that she has always dreamed about. In contrast, many of the Filipino men are looked at as players. Many Filipino men have the reputation of being womanizers and sleeping with and taking advantage of the young woman they meet their towns. Filipino men quickly develop a reputation of being a playboy and this is not somebody the Filipino girl wants to settle down with in a serious relationship. Because the Filipina will always consider this playboy as a player throughout the rest of his life. So the Filipina looks diligently and looks hard to find somebody outside this circle of influence and often times into the Western countries for men that she believes will be the soulmate and develop a serious relationship with. 

This is where comes in to play – matching beautiful philipino women with gentlemen from afar.

The Filipino woman is looking for a religious man. 

80% of the Filipino citizens are Catholic and 10% more our Christian Protestant. Therefore the Philippines is a country that maintains a 90% religious population. Everything is religious. Because of this, you see the 10 Commandments openly placed in the school gates as students enter the schools. It is common practice for students to pray in the classroom and school. Most Filipinos attend church at least once a week. And they read their Bibles as often as they can. Therefore, a quality Filipino woman is looking for somebody that has religious values and can live the biblical life as outlined in the Bible and in the churches she has attended for many years. 

As it states in the Bible a marriage will not be successful if you are are unequally yoked. What this means is, if one person is religious and the other is not that there is not much hope for a positive relationship to last. Because each person will follow their own guidelines with church or with the non-church lifestyle. The religious person will read the Bible, praying every meal, and attend church every week. While, the unbeliever is always bashing the believer about why you always pray, why do you read that book, and why singing songs all the time? Therefore, they are not equal in the values that they hold in their deepest core values and therefore staying in a long-term relationship is extremely difficult and mentally painful.

The Filipino woman will never divorce. 

There is no divorce law in the Philippines. So, Filipino women have known since they were little girls that when they find a man to get married they will never divorce them. No matter what happens, they will never be allowed to get a divorce by law or by the church.

Therefore, the Filipino woman is always looking at personable suitors and who she will choose and live the rest of her life with. If you knew you would never divorce, you would make you choose a mate extremely seriously!  This is exactly what the Filipino women do! They look at every man and look at everything from how they act around her family, how they treat and respect you as a mate, and how you generally make them feel. Knowing that they will never get divorced, makes them choose their mates seriously and for lifetime.

In conclusion, using the above list can help you understand why Filipino women act, say, and do the things that they do. This will also help you develop a deeper understanding of how serious they are when it comes down to choosing the right soulmate for themselves. My recommendations are; 1) be the best self you can be. 2) Do not force yourself to do anything that you wouldn’t normally. 3) When you find soulmate with your true values you are looking for – ask for her hand. Because, having a great relationship is the best thing that we can never ask for on this Earth.

-Angel B.

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