Dating a younger woman.

Age is Just a Number?

In the dating world many times we hear the phrase age is just a number and should I consider dating a younger woman? 

Dating a younger woman - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

But, is age truly a number or is it something different, we need to understand and make amends with?  

Dating a younger woman often comes with an age gap difference of 10, 20, 30 years.  Now in the Western world dating a younger woman only have an age gap of five to ten years, to be comfortable.  

What I am talking about is opening your eyes and considering dating a younger woman on a worldwide dating search with an age gap of 20 years or more.  There are many women out there that are looking for a strong chivalrous man that is established in the community and is able to act in a mature fashion.  

Of course there are many countries where the women are beautiful but this article focuses on women of the Philippines.

Dating a younger woman there is no age gap in the Philippines- helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Dating a younger woman sometimes is a man’s dream.  

In this dream comes from the fact that dating women in the Western world comes with some societal rules and norms about age gap and dating a younger woman.  

Ever since Western women have been little girls they are exposed to the rules and attitudes that young women and women should have.  What I mean exactly as, a 19-year-old woman sees herself as an equal to many 19-year-old man and therefore becomes a forceful or a strong leader in their relationships.  

A 19-year-old woman may have the idea that she wants to go out partying until the early hours of the morning. 

It is these types of cultural attitudes that make a 19, 20, 21-year-old Western woman somewhat immature and reluctant to date older men.  I understand there is always two sides of the coin and yes there are very responsible early 20-year-old woman in the Western world.  

However, I am contrasting this with the average Filipino woman who typically does not let an age gap hinder their relationship.

Dating a younger woman 20 years younger.

Dating a younger woman 20 years younger in the Philippines means that your cultural attitude needs to take a shift.  This is a very large paradigm shift coming from the Western world.

Dating women 20 years younger - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Ever since a young age Filipino girls are taught to serve their fathers, serve the church, and when the time comes to serve their husbands.  When they are taught serving they are talking about doing everything that makes their mate, their family, flow in a mature and stable way.

Filipino girls are taught to serve their husbands.

Filipino girls are taught, at home and in the church to serve their husbands and he is a leader in the household.  

Yes, this concept is also taught in the Bible where the woman shall submit to their husbands, yes I know the other side of that is men need to submit to their women in many areas as well.  But the reason is the Bible stresses it so people do not get in arguments during and in their relationship.  

It is the small things that can ruin a relationship so young men and women need to be able to be submissive to each other so they can prosper in their relationship.

You can build a relationship when dating a younger woman- helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Although age is a number when dating a younger woman, a large age difference between the couple is somewhat frowned upon in the Western world.  In contrast, the age difference in the Philippines is sometimes encouraged.

Dating a younger woman in the Philippines.

With the idea that girls and young women in the Philippines are products of their culture, which is to serve and they may have a much larger view on the woman’s role and relationship.  This views often slightly more mature than girls from the Western world which encourages Philipino women to date older men.

This Filipino mindset makes and gives women from the Philippines off our advantage to seeking older men.  You see, when the girl looks at her peers in the Philippines sometimes see men who are quote playboys.” This type of behavior sticks with that man forever.  Nobody wants to get married to the Playboy. Because if a married Playboy, they know that he will be out cheating. Relationships in the Philippines off damage because the young men and men often cheat on their wives.

Young men may keep secrets - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Age is just a number, right?

So if we can agree that age is just a number of what is the right number for relationships.

Receive online dating replies from women who are 20 years younger.

In my experience, when I was searching online for dating a Filipino I often receive replies from people that were 18, 19, or 20 years old.  Although this was not my search criteria they just popped up automatically.  

So I started communicating with some of these 18 to 19-year-old girls asking them how could they be interested in somebody like me?  Their replies were very similar to each other. They often replied by saying age is just a number and were looking for somebody that can give us a secure life.  

We are looking for people from other countries that will be able to provide for our needs, give us a family, and take us to a better place.

They are looking for someone to be serious with  - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Yes, they were very truthful about what they wanted.  They wanted good man and needed to be financially secure and they wanted to leave the Philippines with their man. 

All in all is that such a bad dream for these women?  

I am not sure but I was not offended by it and I was somewhat intrigued about their brutal honesty.

As I further communicated with these women I thought I would ask what their families thought about people who were older?  It would all similarly reply with the answer of age is just a number and if the man is mature, solid, and able to support us that is what their parents are looking for. 

So there you go, the girls were looking for support and a better place to live, and their parents were looking for the same thing for their daughters.

So what is the right age difference for Online dating?

This is a very personal question and I have to agree that at this point age is only a number.  When you are searching for your life partner and you see that somebody’s not really interested in one of your hobbies you would most likely stop communicating with them.  

In the same way, if you see somebody who is interested in your hobbies and your lifestyle and they are literally younger than you probably pursue them and ask some more detailed questions.

Now, remember the young Filipina or Filipina is going to communicate everything that they do with their family.  They have grown up in a culture that they share all dating and all communications with their mothers or fathers. This is part of their culture.  This is how they maintain that tight family net within their lives. So expect that and expect that everything you say or write to them be shared with her family.  And yes this is a good thing!

Keep up with the relationship - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

So if you meet somebody that is 22 or 23 years old and they have the same interest in you do not be afraid to start communicating with them.  Carry this relationship as far as you can go with asking questions and seeing if there is a match. Because you know, at home the Filipina has strong support with her family they are looking for the best for her in ages truly not a difference.

How will you family react to dating a woman 25 years younger?

In contrast, what will your family in the West think of?  Well yes if you are 60 years old near dating or marrying a 22-year-old you are bound to get some eye rolls. Yes they will ask if she is your granddaughter when you are going shopping or checking into a hotel.  This is just part of the Western world’s cultural say they do not improve age gap relationships. This is something that you both will have to understand and be able to laugh about when you get home. It will happen.

Your family will want to know all of the details  - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Maturity in younger women.

Another thing to consider is the maturity of your new friend.  Even though they have a mature mind, they keep them clean the house very well, and they are looking for your best interest there may be some areas where the true 22-year-old will come out.  

For example say the 22-year-old wants to go out to the gym every single day.  There is nothing wrong with this however, if you are not the type that wants to go to the gym every day you need to be flexible about her desires that she has.  

You need to be flexible and remember how it was when you are 22 years old.  Maybe she wants to go out dancing and stay up way late in the evening. Maybe she wants to go out partying with you and take you to places that you have not been to in years.  

Is your age difference compatible? 

So when you are dating somebody that is much younger then you want to make sure that you are able to keep up with the pace.  In that case may include public places, physical places such as trips, hiking, and walking, and of course keeping up with your intimate relationships as well.

So is a big gap age difference wrong?


There is no "age gap" in relationships - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

Absolutely not!

It is my opinion that if you go in with the right mindset of finding a relationship, finding a woman is going to please you and serve you the rest of your life in ages not a factor.

All about love - helping you find your Filipino dream  -

If you are going to have a relationship thinking that you just want to marry the hottest 21-year-old girl you can find to bring back home as a trophy then, I think this is the wrong mindset.  Going with a true heart, be truthful about everything that you communicating about and go in expecting to find long-term romance.

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