Christian Filipina Dating

Christian Filipina Review.

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Christian Filipina dating site and numerous international online dating options for people interested in dating sites.  These sites make many promises and fall short. They all come with different strategies and algorithms to help you find love and sometimes they cater to different niches. 

One thing is common about these sites: they all are built to help the user find the right partner. One site that stands tall amongst these dating sites is Christian Filipina dating sites.

Christian Filipina dating site is one of the tested and trusted options in online dating. The site is made specifically for men and women of faith to meet.  It helps Christian Filipina centers on christians in the Philippines and around the world to connect and find love.

This exemplary site is made up of pure and honest-hearted Christians with good intentions.  The users are people who exhibit godly qualities in their lives and that is clearly seen in the way they interact with each other on the site. No foul play is detected on the site, as everybody is looking for a long term relationship that would possibly lead to marriage.

Christian Filipina dating understands that online dating can be hard for professed Christians and aims to simplify this with their excellent algorithm which matches the right partners. 

Christian Filipina started out in 2008 as a site for Christians to meet and find Filipino women who are Christians and also looking for love.


Top 5 Things That Make Christian Filipina Dating Worth It

1.Christian Filipina dating has a Sleek Website.  

The site is sleek and without frills. The user-friendly site and interface is a wonderful experience for users.  The design of the Christain Filipina website is simple, neat, and eye candy provided. It is not cluttered like some dating sites and access to its modernized features is easy.  

All the functions and features of the dating site can be found without any troubles.  Appearance-wise, it utilizes a light blue font and white background color.

2. Christian Filipina Dating is Available To Christians Worldwide

Christian Filipina dating is available to all. The dating site consists of users from around the world with 70% of its members from the Philippines, Canada, Australia and the United States.

Most of the users are of the Christian faith as the name suggests. Its members are mostly Catholics, Born Again and also from the Church of Christ. This doesn’t mean that Christians from other churches are not accepted. 

Christian Filipina dating website was founded on the love story of its CEO. Peter Christopher started the online dating site after he met his lovely Filipina wife while working at Amazon.

This love he found gave him the idea to also try and help others who are looking for partners with good Christian values. Being fully aware of the influx of men from the US and Canada to the Philippines in search of “the one” he designed the site to reduce the cost and make it easier for them. 

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The site not only provides a good environment for Christians but also provides all the necessary information to help them strike up a meaningful conversation that might lead to a walk down the aisle.

3. Christian Filipina Dating is all about “All Things Christian.”

Sticking close to its core values and original intent, Christian Filipina dating ensures that no unchristian like activity or action is being carried out on the site. Christian Filipina dating website lives up to its name by connecting everything back to Christ. 

A daily reminder that you are in a site with fellow believers, comes in the form of a daily Bible verse which is regularly displayed. The verse echoes the spirituality of its members and can be clearly seen on the right-side column of the page. It also acts as an encouragement to those doubting the reputation of Christian Filipina dating. It asserts its Christian stance by rejecting any flirtations and hook-ups on the dating site.


This differentiates it from its competitors. Multiple online Christian Filipina reviews rank it higher in the international dating scene for creating a different dating perspective. Christian Filipina dating understands that its members want to settle down with a God-given wife that possesses the right qualities of a Christian wife as recorded in Proverbs. This helps spur them on to satisfy its users.

4. Christian Filipina has FREE Accounts too

Being a part of the growing number of Christian Filipina dating members is a simple process. Signing up requires a few fields to fill out. Once logged in optional questions would be asked and once answered a welcome team member would be assigned to you to help guide you in the process. 

Immediately you become a member, pictures of other site users become accessible to you. The site’s simplicity makes communication with those 

you are compatible with easy. Six months after joining, a renewal of your subscription would be required. With or without the welcome team member, navigating through the site would not be a problem.

5. Detailed FAQ Page

Even with a sleek and well-designed website, sometimes users may encounter one or two problems. These bumps might slow down their dating process. This is why Christian Filipina dating included a well-detailed FAQ page for its users. It is useful for issues like forgotten passwords, email address changes, account upgrades, and profile editing. 

The FAQ page can also be used to address concerns regarding disabled or suspended accounts.

Yes I know I said five, but that cannot even contain the beautiful qualities and features of this site. How about 2 more?

6. Prompt Customer Support with Christian Filipina

For cases where the FAQ can not help, a strong 24/7 support is available. It also offers tips on how to detect spammers, how to date Filipinas, the culture of Philippines people and site safety. This can be found on the Research and Advice page.

7. Advanced Security and Safety Measures

Christian Filipina dating is well aware of spammers and scammers, so they review each application manually. Yes you heard right. This security measure helps reduce the number of women trying to defraud men and vice versa. 

Members are only allowed a wink message once the account is approved. This helps puts spammers and scammers at a minimum.

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Pros and Cons Of Christian Filipina Dating


  • Easy to use the site and Christian oriented
  • Advanced security and safety measures that limits the number of Scammers infiltrating the site.
  • Very affordable membership plans with modern features accessible to both free and paid membership.
  • Its large membership makes it easy to find your interest within a short time.
  • Has over 59,000 beautiful women from the Philippines.


  • Only available to Christians
  • A conservative environment which is not suitable for liberal minds
  • No flirting or hookups that other sites offer.  (“Hookup” – To have any form of intimacy, make out, or have sex.)


Christian Filipina dating is a site ripe with loving people. The information splattered across its pages is a great guide for smooth usage of this Christian oriented platform.

In conclusion, this dating site is a very thoughtful idea. As a niche-based dating site, it is user-friendly and affordable with tiptop features. For Christians searching for the right partner, Christian Filipina dating is the right way to go.

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~ Online Filipina Dating, Staff.